Tuesday, January 22, 2013

And so it begins

Do you know what film making is? It seriously is Obsessive compulsive behaviour at both its best and worst.

Seriously find a group of people willing to take their vision spend months putting it down as a script, then go out hunt down the talent, the crew and above all the money it takes to make it all happen.  They are few and far between.

So the last few months have been an excellent example to me in the basics of film making and what you need.

The first is an idea. Those I am rarely short of, if I am not doing something else, I am most often found writing.

Second, gear. So far so good, I have an unusual part time job. I keep the AV studios open for a local community college, and help the students with issues with software editing etc. The plus side of this aside from them paying me 9$ an hour for it is that I can check out any gear not being used by students.   To say this has come in handy would be an understatement.

Third Friends, and heres where I point out that this list is in no particular order. Working in a AV program you meet some amazing people. These people are often looking to shoot and broaden their  portfolios and do work in general. So I have an amazing talent pool of people to choose from. But big props to Mark Wegener, and Mike Machian. Both of whom helped above and beyond.

Then there's patience. Any person in a project knows the joy of setting up then losing locations, recasting at the very last second and wondering why that one piece of gear simply will not work no matter you do.

The last few months have helped to show me all these things, and especially the last and now....

Well now I am a short period of time from pulling the trigger on an indiegogo campaign to raise the money I need for gear of my own and to handle the other expenses that come with filming. Pinning my hopes to what I hope is a very generous public out there.

Wish me and the ones I consider mine luck. We could use it, the next few months will be exciting and I'll keep you abreast here.

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