Saturday, January 26, 2013

The hidden virtues of (potential) failure.

So we kicked off the indiegogo campaign yesterday and its been going slow. While I think everyone enters into that process with a hope and a dream of massive funding to be honest there is the element of speculative investment that keeps people from getting behind it. It's a work that is just now finishing pre production, with a group of people who are known for stage work and smaller projects then a feature.

So reluctance on the part of the crowd funding world makes perfect sense.

On the other hand as I was sitting there idly wondering if I had reached too large. (Probably) And if I was mad to throw so much into this as my own speculative investment. (Certainly) It did hit me. come hell or high water this is getting made.

Angel, Ashlee, Tommy  and the other characters of this work have been knocking around in my head for the last two years. If I have to reconfigure the story to cover funding issues or situations with gear. Then that's what I'll do. This is going to be an amazing ride, where you will follow these people into a world just beneath the surface of the world we know where dark things dwell, and where reality is not what you might think.

I take my cues from PI and Primer. Too my mind two of the best Science Fiction/Fantasy films of the last few years. Both were made on shoe strings and both told amazing stories. They reflected an amazing sense of vision which I hope to at least be in the ball park of emulating.

So check out the indiegogo page,  feel free to donate spread the word around or whatever. In the mean time we're setting up the shoots for the show and I am looking forward to what we will get.

And then once that's done, there's season 2 two think of.

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